How We Work with Your Pre-School

Working with your pre-school (under 5’s)

Our service is completely free to pre-schools and nurseries and offers the following benefits:

  • Free school milk for children under the age of five
  • A secure online account management system to place your pre-school's orders
  • All subsidy claim forms for the NMRU will be completed by us on your behalf
  • Excellent customer service, with over 99.5% order accuracy across more than 3,000 orders delivered each day
  • Other fresh products - including milk, bread, yoghurts, eggs, and cheeses - available for online ordering and convenient delivery to your pre-school's kitchen

Eligibility for free milk under the Nursery Milk Scheme

The Nursery Milk Scheme entitles registered childcare settings to claim one free drink of milk (meaning a 189ml portion of heat-treated cow’s milk) each day for children under the age of 5 who attend for two or more hours a day. We can provide whole or semi-skimmed pasteurised cows' milk.

Eligible childcare establishments include:

  • Registered childminders
  • Registered day care providers
  • Local Authorities providing day care
  • Those providing day care to children under 5 years in schools Those providing day care in a nursery or creche

Management and staff of certain establishments (e.g. children's homes, voluntary or community homes, NHS hospitals) that are exempt from registration should contact the Nursery Milk Reimbursement Unit (NMRU) to confirm their eligibility before registering.

You can still claim for children who are absent without prior notice (e.g. off sick for less than a week).

Register your setting to receive free Nursery Milk

Each setting/establishment must register with the Nursery Milk Reimbursement Unit (NMRU). We, as agents for the scheme are not eligible to register on your behalf. You can register online by going to the Nursery Milk Reimbursement Unit website and clicking on the ‘Register for Nursery Milk’ Link and following the instructions.


If you do have any queries regarding your deliveries or how to validate, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01924 908499 and ask for our validation team.


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